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Liquid Waste Disposal Services

Liquid Waste Disposal Services

Liquid waste includes a variety of types of waste including but not limited to oil, gas, fuel, sludges, household liquids, pesticides, and cleaning liquid. Liquid waste can be both non-hazardous and hazardous waste. Any liquids that can be harmful to the environment, public safety, or human health require special care during disposal and should be handled by a dedicated team of waste management professionals.

PROS Services emergency spill response team using vacuum trucks and safety equipment to contain and clean up hazardous spills, including oil, fuel, and chemicals.

You can depend on us to take care of the disposal of liquid waste for your company. We are experts on technique, regulations, and treatment, and we provide the highest quality services available.

After characterization and analytical reports are obtained we at PROS Services will assist in managing which disposal site best suits the waste disposal needs, taking local and federal regulations into account. We will then vacuum and properly transport non-hazardous, hazardous waste and liquid industrial by-products (waste glycol, oil, industrial wastewater, etc.) in tankers to the appropriate disposal facility. From the moment we come into the picture, you can rest easy knowing we will take the work off your hands and it will be completed professionally, safely, and efficiently.

Contact us to learn more about how we can help with the disposal of your liquid waste.